向国际开放的参赛者,业余和专业。主题的不同技能水平。包括陪审团和奖信息和常见问题解答。 美术摄影奖(Fine Art Photography Awards,简称)是一个可以让一个人与世界交流和分享的平台,随着视觉影像的泛滥成灾,美术摄影师们有创意的挑战就是创造出真正的原创图像——具有冲击力、能够唤起人们强烈反应的照片。【获奖作品欣赏】Art is born out of passion. Fine Art photography is a perfect instrument, which allows a person to communicate with the world and share their vision. It results from the author’s deep sensitivity, a need to express feelings through image, a unique view of the surrounding reality. It can be spontaneous, but it can also be a conscious and deliberate manifesto. is searching for photos born out of passion – your passion.The competition is open to everyone, amateurs and professionals alike. Entries are welcome from any country in the world. Your work will be judged by an international panel of high profile photographers.The winners of the Professional and Amateur sections will receive the titles: Professional Fine Art Photographer of the Year, Amateur Fine Art Photographer of the Year and $5000 in cash prizes.Open to international contestants, both amateur and professional. Themes are different according to skill level. Includes jury and prize information and FAQs.内容提要:Fine Art photography is a perfect instrument, which allows a person to communicate with the world and share their vision. It results from the author’s...
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